How Did Alexander the Great Treat King Darius and His Family

Alexander the Bang-up Biography

Built-in: September 20, 356 B.C.East.
Pella, Macedonia
Died: June 13, 323 B.C.E.

Macedonian rex

Alexander the Cracking was one of the best-known rulers in ancient history. By the time of his expiry at xxx-two, he ruled the largest Western empire of the ancient globe.

Teaching by tutors

Alexander was built-in in 356 B.C.East. to Male monarch Philip II of Macedon (382–336 B.C.East. ) and Queen Olympias (375–316 B.C.E. ). Growing upwards, Alexander rarely saw his begetter, who was unremarkably involved in long military campaigns. Olympias, a fierce and possessive mother, dominated her son's youth and filled him with a deep resentment of his father. Withal, their son's educational activity was important to both parents.

Alexander the Great.

Alexander the Great.

One of Alexander's first teachers was Leonidas, a relative of Olympias, who struggled to control the defiant male child. Philip hired Leonidas to railroad train the youth in math, archery, and horsemanship (the training and intendance of horses). Alexander's favorite tutor was Lysimachus. This tutor devised a game in which Alexander impersonated the hero Achilles. Achilles was a heroic Greek warrior from a famous ancient poem called the Iliad. Achilles became the model of the noble warrior for Alexander, and he modeled himself later on this hero. This game delighted Olympias because her family claimed the hero equally an ancestor.

In 343 Philip asked Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E. ), the famous Greek philosopher and scientist, to tutor Alexander. For three years in the rural Macedonian village of Mieza, Aristotle taught Alexander philosophy, government, politics, poesy, drama, and the sciences. Aristotle wrote a shortened edition of the Iliad, which Alexander always kept with him.

Beginnings of the soldier

Alexander's education at Mieza ended in 340 B.C.E. . While Philip was abroad fighting a war, he left the sixteen-twelvemonth-old prince as acting rex. Within a yr Alexander led his first military set on against a rival tribe. In 338 he led the cavalry (troops who fight battles on horseback) and helped his father smash the forces of Athens and Thebes, 2 Greek city-states.

Alexander's human relationship and armed services cooperation with his male parent concluded shortly after Philip took control of the Corinthian League. The Corinthian League was a military brotherhood fabricated up of all the Greek states except for Sparta. Philip then married another woman, which forced Alexander and Olympias to flee Macedon. Eventually Philip and Alexander were reunited.

Alexander as king

In the summer of 336 B.C.E. at the aboriginal Macedonian capital of Aegai, Alexander's sister married her uncle Alexander. During this result Philip was assassinated by a young Macedonian noble, Pausanias. Afterwards his male parent'due south death Alexander sought the approval of the Macedonian army for his bid for kingship. The generals agreed and proclaimed him king, making Alexander the ruler of Macedon. In order to secure his throne, Alexander then killed anybody who could have a possible claim to the kingship.

Although he was the male monarch of Macedon, Alexander did non automatically proceeds command of the Corinthian League. Some Greek states rejoiced at Philip'due south murder, and Athens wanted to rule the League. Throughout Greece independence movements arose. Immediately Alexander led his armies to Greece to stop these movements. The Greek states quickly recognized him as their leader, while Sparta all the same refused to join. The League gave Alexander unlimited armed services powers to attack Persia, a big kingdom to the east of Greece.

Asian campaign

In October 335 B.C.E. Alexander returned to Macedon and prepared for his Persian expedition. In numbers of troops, ships, and wealth, Alexander's resource were inferior to those of Darius III (380–330 B.C.Eastward. ), the king of Persia. In the early spring of 334 Alexander'due south regular army met Darius's army for the showtime time. Alexander's ground forces defeated the Persians and continued to move west. Darius'south upper-case letter at Sardis fell easily, followed by the cities of Miletus and Halicarnassus. The territories Alexander conquered formed the foundations of his Asian empire.

Past fall 334 Alexander had crossed the southern declension of Asia Minor (now Turkey). In Asia Minor, Alexander cut the famous Gordian Knot. According to tradition, whoever undid the intricate Gordian Knot would become ruler of Asia. Many people began to believe that Alexander had godlike powers and was destined to rule Asia.

And then in 333 Alexander moved his forces east and the two kings met in boxing at the city of Issus. Alexander was outnumbered merely used creative military formations to beat Darius'southward forces. Darius fled. Alexander so attacked the Farsi royal camp where he gained lots of riches and captured the royal family. He treated Darius's married woman, mother, and three children with respect. With Darius's army defeated, Alexander proclaimed himself king of Asia.

Every bit a outcome of the defeat, Darius wanted to sign a truce with Alexander. He offered a large ransom for his family, a spousal relationship alliance, a treaty of friendship, and part of his empire. Alexander ignored Darius's offer because he wanted to conquer all of Asia.

Campaign in Egypt

Alexander then pushed on into Arab republic of egypt. Egypt fell to Alexander without resistance, and the Egyptians hailed him equally their deliverer from Farsi domination. In every state, Alexander respected the local customs, religions, and citizens. In Egypt he sacrificed to the local gods and the Egyptian priesthood recognized him as pharaoh, or ruler of ancient Egypt. They hailed Alexander as a god. Alexander then worked to bring Greek civilization to Arab republic of egypt. In 331 B.C.E. he founded the metropolis of Alexandria, which became a heart of Greek culture and commerce.

More than fighting in Persia

In September 331 B.C.E. Alexander defeated the Persians at the Battle of Gaugamela. The Persian army collapsed, and once more Darius fled. Instead of chasing later on him, Alexander explored Babylonia, which was the region that Darius had abandoned. The country had rich farmlands, palaces, and treasures. Alexander became "Rex of Babylon, King of Asia, King of the Four Quarters of the Globe."

Alexander adjacent set up out for Persepolis, the capital letter of the Persian Empire. To prevent an uprising, Alexander burned Persepolis. In the spring of 330 he marched to Darius'due south final capital, Ecbatana (modern Hamadan). There Alexander set off in pursuit of Darius.

By the time Alexander defenseless up with Darius in July 330, Darius'south assistants had assassinated him. Alexander ordered a royal funeral with honors for his enemy. Equally Darius's successor, Alexander captured the assassins and punished them according to Persian police force. Alexander was now the king of Persia, and he began to wear Persian royal habiliment. As elsewhere, Alexander respected the local customs.

Islamic republic of iran and Republic of india

Later defeating Darius, Alexander pushed eastward toward Iran. He conquered the region, built cities, and established colonies of Macedonians. In the leap of 327 B.C.E. he seized the fortress of Ariamazes and captured the prince Oxyartes. Alexander married Oxyartes's girl Rhoxana to hold together his Eastern empire more than closely in a political alliance.

In the summer of 327 Alexander marched toward Bharat. In northern Bharat, he defeated the armies of King Porus. Impressed with his bravery and dignity, Alexander allowed Porus to remain king and gained his loyalty.

By July 325 the army continued north to the harsh and barren country in the Persian Gulf. The hardship and death that occurred after arriving brought disorganization to the army. Information technology was too at this time that disorder began to spread throughout the empire. Alexander was greatly concerned with the rule of his empire and the need for soldiers, officers, and administrators.

In order to strengthen the empire, Alexander then fabricated an attempt to demark the Farsi nobility to the Macedonians to create a ruling form. To accomplish this goal, he ordered lxxx of his Macedonian companions to marry Persian princesses. Alexander, although married to Rhoxana, married Stateira, a girl of Darius, to solidify his rule.

When Alexander incorporated xxx thousand Persians into the army, his soldiers grumbled. Later that summer, when he dismissed his aged and wounded Macedonian soldiers, the soldiers spoke out confronting Alexander's Persian troops and his Persian manners. Alexander arrested 13 of their leaders and executed them. He then addressed the army and reminded his soldiers of their glories and honors. Later three days the Macedonians apologized for their criticism. In a thanksgiving feast the Persians joined the Macedonians as forces of Alexander.

Alexander's death

In the bound of 323 B.C.E. Alexander moved to Babylon and made plans to explore the Caspian Ocean and Arabia so to conquer northern Africa. On June two he barbarous ill, and he died 11 days later.

Alexander'due south empire had been a vast territory ruled by the king and his assistants. The empire brutal apart at his death. The Greek culture that Alexander introduced in the East had barely developed. In time, all the same, the Western farsi and Greek cultures composite and prospered as a event of his dominion.

For More Information

Briant, Pierre. Alexander the Great. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996.

Light-green, Peter. Alexander of Macedon, 356–323 B.C. Rev. ed. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1974.

O'Brien, John Maxwell. Alexander the Great. New York: Routledge, 1992.


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